furo-ui5-combobox #
@furo/ui5 v1.18.0
import '@furo/ui5/src/furo-ui5-combobox.js';
exports FuroUi5Combobox js
mixes FieldNodeAdapter
Summary: data combobox field
Description #
The furo-ui5-combobox component represents a drop-down menu with a list of the available options and a text input field to narrow down the options. It is commonly used to enable users to select an option from a predefined list. Use the function bindOptions to bind a RepeaterNode as an option list.
You can bind the options, or enter the options in the html
Attributes and Properties #
activeFieldBinding #
default: false
Flag to indicate if a field is attached
Default: false
displayFieldPath #
default: 'display_name'
Defines the field path that is used from the bound RepeaterNode (bindOptions) to display the option items.
Point-separated path to the field
E.g. data.partner.display_name
default: display_name
This attribute is related to the option list
descFieldPath #
default: 'id'
Defines the field path that is used from the bound RepeaterNode (bindOptions) to display the additional
description of the option items.
Point-separated path to the field
E.g. data.partner.id
default: id
This attribute is related to the option list
wait #
default: 250
Debounce time in milliseconds
Default value: 250
Events #
search-requested #
→ value
Fired when typing in input (debounced, default 250ms)
options-updated #
→ optionNodeList
Fired after the option list was rebuilt.
selection-change #
→ selectedOption
Fired when selection is changed by user interaction
furo-value-changed #
→ selectedOption
Fired after the field value was changed.
Methods #
readAttributes #
readAttributes() ⟹ void
Reads the attributes which are set on the component dom.
those attributes can be set. value-state
, required
, value-field-path
, display-field-path
Use this after manual or scripted update of the attributes.
bindData #
bindData(fieldNode FieldNode
) ⟹ boolean
Overridden bindData of FieldNodeAdapter
- fieldNode
bindOptions #
bindOptions(repeaterNode `` ) ⟹ void
`` → fn-bind-options
Here a RepeaterNode can be connected to the component as an option list.
- repeaterNode
onFnaFieldStateChanged #
onFnaFieldStateChanged(state `` ) ⟹ void
`` → fn-on-fna-field-state-changed
set the value state
- state