
furo-ui5-combobox-labeled #

@furo/ui5 v1.18.0
import '@furo/ui5/src/furo-ui5-combobox-labeled.js';
exports FuroUi5ComboboxLabeled js
exports <furo-ui5-combobox-labeled> custom-element-definition
superclass LitElement
mixes FBP

Summary: labeled combobox

Description #

furo-ui5-combobox-labeled The furo-ui5-combobox-labeled is a composition to easily use a complete data combobox with label according to the design specification of SAP Fiori Design System.

Example #

Markup #


<furo-ui5-combobox-labeled placeholder="Enter value" 

<furo-data-object type="experiment.Experiment" 

Attributes and Properties #

label #

label string default: ''

the label for the data-number-input

descFieldPath #

desc-field-path string default: 'id'

Defines the field path that is used from the bound RepeaterNode (bindOptions) to display the additional description of the option items. Point-separated path to the field E.g. data.partner.id default: id This attribute is related to the option list

displayFieldPath #

display-field-path string default: 'display_name'

Defines the field path that is used from the injected RepeaterNode to display the option items. Point-separated path to the field E.g. data.partner.display_name

full #

full boolean

This is only used to forward the state to the form-field-container

required #

required Boolean

A Boolean attribute which, if present, means this field is required and marked with *.

disabled #

disabled Boolean

A Boolean attribute which, if present, means this field cannot be edited by the user and appears in disabled state.

readonly #

readonly Boolean

A Boolean attribute which, if present, means this field is readonly.

Events #

furo-value-changed #


Fires the field value when it changes.

Methods #

focus #

focus(options Object ) ⟹ void

Object fn-focus

Focuses the underlying ui5 input element

bindData #

bindData(fieldNode FieldNode ) ⟹ void

FieldNode fn-bind-data

Orchestrates the data field connection to the inside

  • fieldNode

bindOptions #

bindOptions(repeaterNode `` ) ⟹ void

`` fn-bind-options

Binds a repeaterNode to the furo-ui5-combobox component

  • repeaterNode

Slots #

valueStateMessage #

Type: HTMLElement

defines the value state message that will be displayed as pop up under the input element.