
furo-ui5-form-field-container #

@furo/ui5 v1.18.0
import '@furo/ui5/src/furo-ui5-form-field-container.js';
exports FuroUi5FormFieldContainer js
exports <furo-ui5-form-field-container> custom-element-definition
superclass LitElement
mixes FBP

Summary: responsive labels for your input elements

Description #

The furo-ui5-form-field-container gives the user a layout to manage input field and labels according to the design specification of SAP Fiori.


  <ui5-label label slot="label" for="Custom" show-colon>Currency / Units (custom)</ui5-label>
  <furo-horizontal-flex id="Custom" content space>
    <furo-ui5-text-input flex fn-bind-data="--entity(*.data.furo_data_money_input.currency_code)"></furo-ui5-text-input>
    <furo-ui5-number-input flex fn-bind-data="--entity(*.data.furo_data_money_input.units)"></furo-ui5-number-input>

The form and simple form in size L use a two-column layout within the responsive grid layout by default. That means that the form groups are placed next to each other to have all the information on one screen and to avoid scrolling. In these columns, the labels are positioned in the same row as the corresponding input field or value. So the form groups adopt the Z layout (reading direction in rows, not in columns).

The label-field ratio is 4:8:0 by default:

4 grid columns of the responsive grid layout are used by the labels. 8 grid columns of the responsive grid layout are used by fields. 0 grid columns of the responsive grid layout are used by empty columns.

Size M of the form and simple form also has a single-column layout within the responsive grid layout by default. However, in size M the labels are positioned in the same row as the corresponding input field or value, and form groups are positioned below each other.

The label-field ratio is 3:9:0 by default:

2 grid columns of the responsive grid layout are used by the labels. 10 grid columns of the responsive grid layout are used by the fields. 0 columns of the responsive grid layout are used by empty columns.

Size S (Smartphones and Dialogs) The form and simple form use a single-column layout within the responsive grid layout in size S by default. This means that the form groups are positioned below each other in a single column and the labels are positioned above the fields to avoid truncation of the labels.

The label-field ratio is 12:12:0 by default:

12 grid columns of the responsive grid layout are used by the labels. (A label handles the space of a whole row.) 12 grid columns of the responsive grid layout are used by the fields. (A field handles the space of a whole row.) 0 grid columns of the responsive grid layout are used by empty columns. (There is no empty space on the right of the field.)

Sample #

Currency / Units (custom)
     <ui5-label label slot="label" for="Custom" show-colon>Currency / Units (custom)</ui5-label>
    <furo-horizontal-flex id="Custom" content space>
    <furo-ui5-text-input flex fn-bind-data="--entity(*.data.furo_data_money_input.currency_code)"></furo-ui5-text-input>
     <furo-ui5-number-input flex fn-bind-data="--entity(*.data.furo_data_money_input.units)"></furo-ui5-number-input>

Attributes and Properties #

Methods #

Slots #

label #

Type: HTMLElement

defines the label to be displayed.

default #

Type: HTMLElement

defines the form field to be displayed in the container element.

Styling #

The following custom properties available for styling:

Custom property Description
--furo-ui5-form-field-container-grid-row-gap grid row gap
default: 0 fallback: N/A
--furo-ui5-form-field-container-grid-column-gap grid column gap
default: 1em fallback: N/A
--furo-ui5-form-field-container-label-justify-gap label alignment (start, end)
default: end fallback: N/A