furo-ui5-multi-input #
@furo/ui5 v1.18.0
import '@furo/ui5/src/furo-ui5-multi-input.js';
exports FuroUi5MultiInput js
mixes FieldNodeAdapter
Summary: repeated strings
Description #
A furo-ui5-multi-input field allows the user to enter multiple values, which are displayed as ui5-token. https://sap.github.io/ui5-webcomponents/playground/components/MultiInput/
Supported type: repeated string
Example #
Attributes and Properties #
Methods #
bindData #
bindData(fieldNode FieldNode
) ⟹ void
Binds a FieldNode to the component.
Supported types: repeated string
- fieldNode
onFnaFieldStateChanged #
onFnaFieldStateChanged(state `` ) ⟹ void
`` → fn-on-fna-field-state-changed
set the value state
- state