
furo-ui5-rating-indicator #

@furo/ui5 v1.18.0
import '@furo/ui5/src/furo-ui5-rating-indicator.js';
exports FuroUi5RatingIndicator js
extends src/furo-ui5-rating-indicator.js
mixes FieldNodeAdapter

Summary: data rating input field

Description #

The furo-ui5-rating-indicator is used to display a specific number of icons that are used to rate an item. Additionally, it is also used to display the average and overall ratings. https://sap.github.io/ui5-webcomponents/playground/components/RatingIndicator/

You can bind any number type, any furo.fat.xxx number type, furo.BigDecimal or the google.wrapper.xxx number types.


Specificity #

  1. Attributes which are set in the html source will have the highest specificity and will never get overwritten by metas or fat.
  2. Attributes set in meta will have the lowest specificity and will be overwritten by attributes from fat.
meta fat html
1 10 100

supported FAT attributes #

  • “readonly”:“true” set the element to readonly
  • “disabled”:“true” set the element to disabled

supported meta and constraints #

  • readonly: true , set the element to readonly

Methods #

bind-data(fieldNode) Bind aa entity field. You can use the entity even when no data was received.

When you use at-object-ready from a furo-data-object which emits a EntityNode, just bind the field with –entity(*.fields.fieldname)

Example #

Attributes and Properties #

Events #

change #


Fired when the values changes.

furo-value-changed #


Fires the field value when it changes.

Methods #

readAttributes #

readAttributes() ⟹ void


Reads the attributes which are set on the component dom. those attributes can be set. readonly,disabled Use this after manual or scripted update of the attributes.

bindData #

bindData(fieldNode FieldNode ) ⟹ void

FieldNode fn-bind-data

Binds a FieldNode to the component.

Supported types:

  • double, float, int32, uint32, sint32, fixed32, sfixed32, int64, uint64, sint64, fixed64, sfixed64

  • google.protobuf.DoubleValue, google.protobuf.FloatValue, google.protobuf.Int32Value, etc.

  • furo.fat.Doube, furo.fat.Float, furo.fat.Int32, etc.

  • furo.BigDecimal

  • fieldNode